Why We Train

My job is fun, yes. It’s a blast! And because of this, I get frequently approached by people who ask about or talk about getting into voiceover and, more specifically, audiobook narration. I also see it in conversations and threads that have nothing to do with voiceover as a business. For example, one of the […]

Audiobook Samples

AUDIOBOOK SAMPLES For demo purposes only, not for profit or resale.   Fiction – Thriller/Suspense DOWNLOAD Nonfiction – Memoir/True Crime DOWNLOAD Nonfiction – Memoir/Biography DOWNLOAD

VoiceOver 1st Grade – Rule #2 “Be Nice”

A lot of factors go into the voiceover decision making process when the auditions are being filtered through by the end client. Many of these factors are completely random and not even close to being able to be swayed by the performer. Even if the specs are well-written and you hit them perfectly, one never […]

“Why You?” Pt. 1

A peer of mine in voiceover recently posted an inquiry to her followers and contacts, asking what sets them apart from the rest of the field.  “Why should they hire you?” I always love this question and the conversation it spurs, because I’m actually particularly fond of my own answers to this. I have yet […]

VoiceOver 1st Grade – Rule #1 – “Listen Closely”

Like many, the members of my household have been forced to relearn a lot in recent months. I have had to relearn how to re-prioritize my roles here at home. It became apparent in the early weeks and months that home-maker and caregiver of a young child had to be moved to the #1 position. […]